Fix and Troubleshoot WordPress Website Issues
If you are experiencing issues with, or maybe just need to fix your broken WordPress website, we build, fix and troubleshoot WordPress! We have built, serviced, and hosted WordPress websites for over 19 years. Often the existing host or manager has failed to update a theme, a plugin application (app’), or the core WordPress software, AND any one of these can or will lead to issues with your WordPress website. Sometimes it is not an update, but a theme or a plugin app’ that was never vetted for its reliability. Sometimes there are too many plugins. In some cases, the theme no longer supports modern PHP or mobile responsive standards. Maybe there are jQuery issues. In these cases, any business website is going to have issues or break!
The Internet, browsers, security, and host standards are all advancing. It is not only to improve ‘user experience’ but also to defend against the relentless efforts of those nefarious hacks crawling the World Wide Web (WWW). Modern website management and also hosting must be managed – ask us about your situation, we will diagnose and fix your WordPress website!
WordPress Website Troubleshooting Fix Support
When a host or manager updates to new versions of WordPress, there can be issues such as clashes with an existing theme or plugin application. PHP can also be an issue. You must update for the above-mentioned reasons – and we will diagnose it all and fix your WordPress website!
WordPress Theme Issues Troubleshooting And Fix
Is your WordPress theme or the public-facing website interface doing something different than it is supposed to? It is possible there are theme updates, PHP, or plugin application clash issues or maybe the host or manager has failed to manage those updates. We will diagnose and fix your WordPress website theme issues!
WordPress Plugin Application Issues Troubleshooting And Fix
Plugin application (App) conflicts can be an issue for WordPress websites when its host or manager has failed to vet’ the plugin properly or to manage the updates. Sometimes there are simply too many plugins – we will diagnose and fix your WordPress website issues!
Fixing Hacked WordPress Websites
Has your WordPress website been invaded by nefarious software, possibly aiming to download malware to all visitor computers and expose visitors to countless potential problems? – we will diagnose and fix your hacked WordPress website issues!
General WordPress Troubleshooting
Is there simply something that just does not make sense, that looks or presents wrong and you need it fixed? – we will diagnose and fix your WordPress website issues!
WordPress Bug Repair & Troubleshooting
Seeing weird bugs with your WordPress website – we will diagnose and fix your WordPress website issues!
Locked out of your WordPress Website
Are you completely locked out of your WordPress website? – we will diagnose and get you back into your WordPress website!
Seeing The ‘White Screen of Death’?
Sometimes after updating WordPress or any of the applications you have chosen to add to your website, your website screen then turns white. Also known as the ‘white screen of death’ – we will diagnose and fix your WordPress website issues!
WordPress Support Services NJ
Serious businesses need website management & support. We offer standalone or, as a standard feature of WordPress website hosting, ongoing WordPress Webmaster management – ask us about your situation, and we will diagnose and fix your WordPress website! And we can fix it for your business on the spot or on an ongoing basis too.