How To Blog For Your Business 
Are you thinking about blogging or maybe ‘how to blog’ for your business to support a better web presence? Maybe you want to support competitive SEO and visibility with ‘qualified searchers’ looking for your services.
So how can blogging support this? A blog can certainly help with search engine optimization (SEO), active & current content is a signal that search engines use when comparing businesses. It is content that can reinforce existing target keywords and internal link structure. It will broaden the number of subjects and keywords a website covers. A business can summarize its’ blog posts in social media posts, just be sure to link those back to the posts.
The most qualified searching prospects may find a specific blog post, the people already researching the subjects you happen to be writing up. In a time where our prospective leads believe they can (re)search anything they ever want or need, we need to meet that intent and earn their trust with good content! We can do it by volunteering all the answers they are searching for … using a blog!
Bog Post Defined
A blog post should offer insight into a particular topic you happen to be familiar with. For a business, there are so many potential lead-driving subjects to blog about. Take a home inspection company that sees so many “what-is-this,” “why-is-this?” or “what-not-to-do” blog post opportunities in the course of their daily work.
A blog post can offer criticism, praise, analyses, instruction, new findings, and so many more subjects that are inevitably being searched by the most qualified prospective leads and your target audience.
Writing Better Blog Posts
To start, a business blogger should always ask, “is this blog and the subjects we’ll cover something my target audience will want to read?” Can I make the information in each blog post useful to those who may want to hire or refer us? Still, will it help prospective leads answer the questions they are (re)searching? And what keywords would they most likely search?
Begin your posts with something to capture their attention, a call-to-action, because it’s not good enough to simply answer a question. Then provide good context or depth for the issue or subject. From there, include the steps for identifying and then dealing with the matter. Visual examples like images or videos can only support this effort! And last, it never hurts to remind folks how your business can help.
Local Business Blog Post Examples
- Home Inspector – What Should You Look For In A Home Inspector?
- Insurance Agency – Saving Money On NJ Health Insurance
- Physical Therapist | Chiropractor – What is Achilles Tendinitis?
- Family Lawyer – Family Law & Marriage
- Mold Inspector – Is Mold Always Visible?
- Local SEO Agency – Voice & “Near Me” Search: Is Your Business Prepared?
- Business Security Firm – Communication Security Management System For High Schools
Does Your Business Need A Blog?
Blogging is a cost-effective way to improve your web presence, SEO, and overall marketing visibility to prospective leads. Whether you need to set up a blog site or add a blog to an existing website, or someone to write & publish the blog posts for you – Kinetic Knowledge offers website development, copywriting, and blogging services.